Current application status

Development status: Released

Availability: Google Play Store

Price: Free, with ads

Technologies used :

Front-end of the application:

Back-end of the application:

  • C# (calculations)
  • Features 2 functionalities : add and substract
  • Main screen
    Game start screen
    In-game with name displayed

    Privacy policy

    This application contains both a banner ad and an interstitial ad.

    No other form of advertisment is present in the application.

    This application does not require any access to any functionalities of your device. Thus, the application does not collect any informations regarding your device nor your personnal data.

    Furthermore, there is no statistics tracking programm implemented in the application, meaning that the application will not collect any data regarding the use you make of said application.

    However, Google Play does track some data about the users, namely

    This application has been developped as a tool for pilots to calculate their flight times. It has thus been developped with French regulations in mind. In France, children of less than 14 cannot fly a plane. This way, the application is not aimed at children of under 13.